Happy New Year Everyone!
It has been almost two looonnnng years since I posted. So much has happened. I do work a "real" job and this is my fun, and I was travel nursing for a while. After coming home, I settled into a job close to home.
Over the past 5-6 yrs I have suffered from "migraines". They began to increase in frequency and intensity. I saw my doctor.....regularly, but because I kept working (a necessity) and I kept working out (also a necessity for my sanity) I was the picture of perfect health. I was really just surviving.....my art completely stopped.....no painting, no stamping, no designing. And believe me when I tell you, I lived for my art time. Now I went to bed when I got home. Sometimes as early as 5 in the afternoon.
Anyway, I finally had a seizure, vomiting in the morning, and having vision changes so they did an MRI. Brain stem tumor! Very large because I had ignored it for sooooo long. It was pressing on my brainstem and about the size of a small lemon. I had to go to a tertiary care hospital (highest level) for surgery (October 19th 2012) and it has been a long road to recovery. I almost lost the sight in my right eye, have trigeminal nerve pain and vertigo, but I am getting back to my old self. I still lack depth perception as my eye is still in healing mode.
I also lost my beloved Madison. My faithful dog of 15 years who loved me and stood by me when I often felt alone (I wasn't but it felt that way). I love you Maddie and I miss your happy doggy grin everyday!
I thank all of you that have stayed with this blog so patiently waiting.......I should have discussed it with you, but honestly what do you say....I feel horrible....everyday? I would have lost you for sure!
Life is precious and my journey is still in the works, so I close this post with my usual and heartfelt "enjoy your journey in life my friend"!!!
Love to each and everyone who comes across this blog.